
Add Rainfall

Add Rainfall

Quick Step

  1. Tap on Monthly cell
  2. Enter rainfall
  3. Tap Return

Detailed Steps

Rainfall can be added either monthly or daily.

Ensure you are on the Rainfall page (middle icon bottom of screen). If you cannot view any cells on an iPhone to enter the data, use your finger and scroll the screen up. 

Monthly: When you initially obtain the app you will need to load it with 7-10 years of monthly historical rainfall and yield data. The best way is to enter the rainfall is to Tap the rainfall cell opposite the month you are entering. A numeric keyboard will appear, Enter the rainfall amount then Return

Once your historical rainfall is entered then future rainfall can be entered as it occurs. That is Daily.

Daily: Two methods can be used to enter daily rainfall. 

1) Tap the 'Add Rainfall' button at the top right of the screen.  It will open with the current day's date, this can be changed by tapping the calendar to the right. Add the rainfall then Tap the 'Save' button, alternatively.

2) Tap once on the monthly rainfall cell and a calendar will appear. Tap the date you wish to enter the rainfall on, Enter the rainfall, Tap the 'Save' then 'Done' buttons.








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